Friday, May 21, 2010

Getting Ready

Don't forget about the restorative yoga tonight @ 4:30 - we all can meet at the gym around 4:15 or just go to studio 2 in the Lighthouse Point building (where the yoga classes are held). You all will love this!

Please bring $10 or we can put it on your account.

Also, Packet pick up is on Saturday at the State Fairgrounds between 10-5. or on race day (which I DO NOT recommend). I will be going so if you need me to pick up your packet I can.

You all are more than welcome to ride with Steve and I on Sunday morning, we will be leaving around 5am.

Drink lots of water today and tomorrow and get rest!!!
You all are well prepared for this run!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 18 - Tuesday is Hill Day!!

Good Morning Runners!

We will be running outside today in the rain!
We are meeting at the gym at 6pm today and running to Patterson Park and then the Hills.

You all have done sooooo well during this training season. I feel very confident you will run your best on Sunday! I cannot believe the time is here!

Here are some tips before race day:

Eat your breakfast, which should be carbohydrates, 1 1/2 hours before the race.

Start slowly for the first 1-2 miles and then keep tempo so that you will run the second half faster than the first half.

Pre-wash your shirts! They should be nice an soft before wearing them for 13.1 miles!

Friday, May 14, 2010

May 15th - 11.24 mile run

Hello Runners!

We will start our run @ 7:30am from the gym.

Following is the link for the route:

Leaving the gym turn right, go to Canton Park up stairs to Boston Street, across to S. Ellwood Ave. go to Baltimore Street turn left, follow to Washington, turn left on Washington to Eastern, turn right on Eastern follow to the Inner harbor, follow the Inner Harbor around to the Harbour View Tower cross over to Key Highway follow to E. Fort Ave. turn right on Fort Ave. follow to Light Street, follow Light all the way back to the Inner Harbour. Follow water to Legg Mason straight ahead on Aliceanne Street, Follow Alliceanne to Wolf, turn left on Wolf, follow to Baltimore, turn Right on Baltimore, follow to S. Elwood, right on South Elwood follow all the way back to the water and gym.

Hills at the beginning and Hills at the end - we need to prepare!
Hydrate today! and no alcohol!~!!!
See you Tomorrow morning!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday.....In the Park!

Hello Runners!

We will be meeting at the gym today @ 6pm for a run in the park. Rain or Shine!

Our shirts came in and look totally awesome!
Hope you all have a great day!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Hello fellow runners!
You all did very well yesterday on the hills! We actually ran 5.59 miles yesterday - in the heat no less! Thumbs up for Ellen, Rachael, Laura and Kristy for working very hard up those "Lovely" hills.

Our route for Saturday will be an out and back route - 10.23 miles. We will be hitting the hills at the beginning of the run and at the end.

Please make sure you hydrate the day before and in the morning get a little something to eat so you have energy for the run. It looks like it will cool off by then - thank goodness!

We will be leaving the gym turning right down the water to Canton Park up the steps to Boston Street, hop over to S. Elwood, up to Baltimore Street, turn left on Baltimore Street. Follow Baltimore to Washington, left on Washington down to Aliceanne, turn right. Follow Aliceanne all the way to the water fountain by Legg Mason go straight towards the water and follow the promenade all the way around the harbor, go past the Rusty Scupper, follow along the water until you get the Pierside Drive (by the tall condo Tower) and turn around. Follow the same route all the way back through the harbour to Legg Mason and down Aliceanne, turn left up Washington, right on Baltimore, Right on S.Elwood and follow back all the way to the water and gym.

WE WILL BE LEAVING THE GYM @ 7:30 AM - if you cannot make it on Saturday please email me!

Please try to fit into your schedule during the week - at least 2 spin classes!