Hello Runners!
It is unbelievable we are up to 7 miles already! Time flies when we are having fun, Right?!
It was great to have everyone sprinting up the stairs on Tuesday and boy did you all do a great workout! I know they can be miserable, but it will pay off in the long run!
Speaking of long runs......here is your link and directions for tomorrows run
See everyone at 9:30 am! Rain or shine
Please rest up, ice any sore joints and drinks lots of fluids - No Not that kind of Friday night fluids :)
Happy Running
Leave the gym going right pass the Bay Cafe, going towards the Korean War Memorial up to Boston Street
Right on Boston to Clinton
Left on Clinton
Clinton to Eastern
Left on Eastern
Eastern to S. Elwood
Right on S. Ellwood
S. Ellwood pass the small park to Pratt
Left on Pratt
Pratt to S. Linwood
Right on S. Linwood
S. Linwood to Baltimore
Left on Baltimore
Baltimore to Broadway
Left on Broadway
Broadway to Eastern
Right on Eastern
Eastern all the way to the Inner Harbor
Turn around at the William Donald Shaffer Statue (in front of Hooters)
Go up to Pratt and pass the parking garage
Turn right at the promenade going towards the Marriot
BEFORE the Marriot turn on Fleet (left) by Whole Foods
Follow Fleet to S. Kenwood
Right on S. Kenwood
S. Kenwood to the gym
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