Friday, March 16, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Run

Hello Runners!
I hope you have had a wonderful week!

Everyone meet at the gym tomorrow at 9:30am for your run. Myself, Ali, Danielle and Janet will not be there, we will be running the Rock and Roll Half in DC! But I will be thinking of you :)

I made this route so you will not be around the Square for the crazy St. Paddy's Day festivities. Just be careful around Canton and Fells!!! Do not stop for drinks during your run! LOL!

I have also added hills - there will be a lot of hills in the Frederick Half and the Maryland Half - Like I say....Hills build character :)

Here is the link: (Highlight, copy and paste to your address bar)

Leave out of the gym going right towards the Bay Cafe
Go around the Bay Cafe towards the Korean War Memorial Park
Up the stairs to Boston Street
Right on Boston
Boston to Clinton Street
Left on Clinton
Clinton to Eastern
Left on Eastern
Eastern to S.Linwood (corner of Patterson Park)
Right on S.Linwood
S. Linwood to Baltimore Street
Left on Baltimore Up the BEEATCH Hill to to Wolfe Street
Left on Wolfe Street
Wolfe Street to Aliceanna
Left on Aliceanna
Where Aliceanna Turns into Boston Cut down towards the water
Follow the Water all the way back to the gym!

Happy Running! :)

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