Thursday, April 19, 2012

Super Saturday 10 Mile Run

Hello Runners!

Can you believe we are at 10 miles already! You have been training hard on hills all training season. This is going to make you stronger and faster for all the hills in Frederick and Howard County. You all have done so well with the hard training! You should be very proud of yourself for improving and pushing yourself.

This run will include hill's to build character :)

Here is the link:

Leaving the gym going right on the promenade pass the Bay Cafe, park and going up the steps to Boston Street
Right on Boston Street
Boston Street to Clinton
Left on Clinton
Clinton to Eastern
Left on Eastern
Eastern to S. Ellwood
Right on S. Ellwood
S Ellwood to Baltimore Street
Left on Baltimore
Baltimore to Patterson Avenue
Left on Patterson Avenue
Patterson Avenue to Eastern
Right on Eastern
Eastern to Washington
Right on Washington
Washington to Baltimore - YES YOU DID IT!!!!!
Left on Baltimore
Baltimore to Broadway
Left on Broadway
Broadway to Eastern
Right on Eastern
Eastern through the Inner Harbour, around pass the Science Center, to Rusty Scupper, Go around the promenade in front of the Ritz and the Pier Homes toward Harbour View
Up the ramp by the towers go straight pass the tower in front of the marina, ending up on Key Highway
Left on Key Highway
Key Highway to Webster (Little Havana)
Right on Webster
Webster to Fort Avenue
Right on Fort Avenue
Fort to Light street - Pay attention to the turn :)
Right on Light Street
Light Street to the harbour
Follow the Harbor around through the Aquarium over the bridges Left on Fleet Street - this street is before the Marriott - if you went pass the Marriott you went to far
Fleet all the way up to Kenwood Ave
Right on Kenwood Ave
to the Gym !!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Saturday Fun Day!

Hello Runners!

I hope the wind dies down by Saturday or we will have wind resistance training also! Everyone who did the hills on Tuesday did awesome! You are much stronger and faster. Hills are included on this route as well - as you all know the Fredrick, Pittsburgh, Maryland and Iron Girl half has a lot of challenging hills.

We will meet at 9:30 SHARP at the gym - please be on time because some have things to do and places to see!


Here is the link:

Leave the gym going right down the promenade, pass The Bay Cafe, pass the park and up the stairs to Boston
Right on Boston
Boston To Clinton
Left on Clinton
Clinton to Eastern
Left on Eastern
Eastern to S. Elwood
Right S Elwood to Pratt
Left on Pratt to Linwood
Right on Linwood to Baltimore
Left on Baltimore
Baltimore to Patterson Ave
Left on Patterson Ave
Right on Eastern
Easter to Washington Street
Right on Washington Street
Washington to Baltimore
Left on Baltimore
Baltimore to Broadway
Left on Broadway
Broadway to Eastern
+++++Turn around on Eastern and go back the same way+++++

Happy Running!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Regrouping from Missed Training Runs
by Brad Boughman

Missing runs during training can be quite a drag. Whether it is due to illness, spending too much time at the office, caring for a sick child, or anything else, it prevents you from enjoying the run and, if you let it, can put a damper on your motivation.

If you miss a week of runs during a training period, do not try to make up for lost time when you start back. Just move on as if you ran that week and pick up with the current schedule. However, start back at a slower pace to allow your body to adjust, especially if your time off was due to illness.

From a mental perspective, view the time off as a positive. Do not let yourself get discouraged simply because you missed a few runs. No matter what their level of dedication, many runners miss runs because things can arise that we simply cannot control. We can, however, control our mental attitude. Choose to see the time off as an opportunity to rest, perhaps something that may have helped you avoid an injury, or just think of how great it will feel to achieve your goal in spite of the unexpected obstacles that came your way during training.

You can achieve your running goals even if missing a few runs. Never let something you cannot control bring you down.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

From Runner's World

Your Best Running Tips
From shoes to motivation, RW readers offer helpful running advice.
By Yishane Lee
Image by Meg Hunt
From the December 2011 issue of Runner's World

The best piece of advice he ever got was almost an insult, says Joe Calderon, a new RW reader stationed in Basra, Iraq. "'Dude, you running with those shoes?' a friend said. 'No wonder your knees, back, and shins hurt. Go to (insert running store here) and get yourself measured for a good pair of shoes!'" Tips can come from unlikely sources. "A nonrunning coworker told me, 'You know, you really ought to get fitted for good running shoes,' after I was told I needed to be operated on due to running," says Allison Tully of Falls Church, Virginia (reader for five years). "One fitting and six pairs later, I'm surgery-free."

"When you grab your cup from an aid station, pinch the top together. It makes it easier to drink without splashing all over you."
Birmingham, Alabama

"Runner's World taught me how to lace without using double knots, so they don't come undone," says Andy Poon of Vancouver (20+ years). Stacey from Chicago got the tip from her sibling: "My little brother told me to tuck my laces into the tops of my shoes to make sure they can't come undone." Says Kim Tantlinger of Waltham, Massachusetts (11 years), "Square knots are better than granny knots and eliminate the need for double-knotting." For lace-tying video, go to

Some runners find success giving up shoes. "After two decades running shod, the freedom and lightness experienced running barefoot is indescribable," says Tymen Bast of Amsterdam, Netherlands (one year). Says Brian Fuerst of Venice, California (six years), "An orthopedic surgeon told me that I shouldn't run and that I didn't have biomechanics good enough to ever run a marathon. Since then I abandoned the field of podiatry, started running barefoot, and have completed two marathons in 3:26 and 3:12."

Your Sage Source
The best advice you ever got came from...

33% A friend
23% A coach
36% Runner's World, of course!
3% A sports doc/physical therapist
4% A specialty running shoe store

Based on 1,730 respondents on

"Listen to your body telling you that it needs a day of rest," says Laura McElduff, a reader in Northvale, New Jersey. "Otherwise you'll end up burned out, overtrained, or injured." Says Becca Dougherty of Flemington, New Jersey (15 years): "It is better to go into a race undertrained than overtrained." Jaylyn Bergner of Asheville, North Carolina (15+ years), uses legs-up-the-wall for recovery. "My coach in high school would have us elevate our legs for 10 minutes." Angie Shoe of Jacksonville, Florida, relies on pills: "An elderly gentleman said to take fish-oil pills daily. He promised that my joints will thank me later."

"During sprint workouts my coach used to say, 'Dig deep. You can do anything for 30 seconds.' And if you keep repeating the mantra through the workout, you can get through it," says Cortney Bloomer of Carson City, Nevada. Kristen Marhaver of Merced, California (14 years), got go-fast advice from her dad. "The world's most law-abiding citizen would say, 'Run like you stole something.'"

"I heard that 80 to 90 percent of runners run their easy runs too fast, so I slowed my easy runs to whatever felt comfortable that day," says Jeff Donahue of Melrose, Massachusetts (10 years). Coach Demetrio Cabanillas, who ran with Bill Rodgers and Alberto Salazar, offered this advice to Kim Cowart of West Jordan, Utah (four years). "He would remind me before I'd tackle my weekend long run that I'd already done my speedwork during the week and to do long runs slower. The purpose of the long run was to condition the legs to run long, and if I pushed the pace, I was essentially racing, which was counterproductive." Ealowes agrees: "The best advice I received for marathon training was to run my weekly long runs slow—much slower than I thought I should."

"When I was trying to reel someone in but hating the race, I began repeating 'Run your own race' and everything came together," says Brian Fay of Syracuse, New York (11 years). Sandra Henriques of Cincinnati says not to think ahead: "Be present in the mile you are in. Don't worry about mile 18." Tracy of Portland, Oregon, quotes Alice in Wonderland: "Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop."

"My coach said, 'Have fun! The hard work was the training. The race is the party!'" says Jill Mitsch of Cupertino, California. "Even if today's run was what you would consider a failure, it is a bridge to your next good run," says Sarah Wiederkehr of Arlington, Virginia. "This thought keeps me from fretting about lack of progress." Any run is cause for joy, says Jen Harder of Waldheim, Saskatchewan. "There's no such thing as a bad run!"

"I started saying this mantra, 'Run for those who can't,' after a friend was paralyzed and I realized how lucky I am to be able to run," says Heidi Tanakatsubo of New York City (three years). Says Jim Austin of Wylie, Texas, "My big sister told me, 'Running is your gift. You can do it any time you want, for as long as you want.' She was born with cerebral palsy and told me that her favorite dreams are the ones where she dreams that she can run. I've never taken a run for granted since."

"Relaxation is key to running efficiently. When feeling tense, gently rub your forefinger and thumb together—you can't do this if you are tense. It's from Born to Run."
Dedham, Massachusetts

"'RUN, it's not math!' my dad said when my sister and I were calculating what pace we would need to run to meet our goals," says Emily Condon of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Go even if you're tired, says Frank Young in Sapporo, Japan (25 years). "The run is never as (adjective of choice) as you thought." The words of 50-K champ Josh Cox ring true to Daniele Lile of Elkton, Kentucky. "'Remember, your worst run is always 100 percent better than the person who never tries.'" As Tom Scudder of Albany, New York, points out: "You'll never regret going for a run, but you'll always regret not going."

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tuesday's Run

Hello Runners!
We missed a lot of runners from our group Saturday :( I hope all of you got your run in sometime this weekend!

We will be running hills at Patterson Park on Tuesday! Yippy!
See you all at 6:30 pm

Happy Running