Tuesday, April 12, 2011

MOTIVATION! - How to keep going if you feel like you are hitting a wall

About everyone has heard of the "Wall" as in "hitting the wall." And lots of us - in running and in life - have run straight into it! Head On!!

A wall is the point in a race (or life) where you're used up. You're offically done. You feel as if you are draining away into a little puddle on the ground. Your legs dont respond to the word "go" and You vow never, ever to do this again.

Here are some tricks to use if the wall is coming right for you.......

Keep going regardless
Promise yourself that, no matter what, you will press on, even if you are walking, crawling, or puttering. Stay on your feet. Eyes straight ahead. Move.

Don't think
Just go. Do not dwell on how overwelmingly awful you feel. Focus on the cheering crowds, your firiends and family waiting at the finish, the cool water (BEER) the trees.......anything positive.

Try bribery
Tell yourself, "self, when I am done with this I am going to buy you a new spring outfit, a new pair of running shoes, a nice night out on the town, Whatever you want."

Word Watch
Watch the negative words and thoughts. Think instead about all the successes you have had. How about all those hills you conquered? All those long workouts you endured? You are a great person. Relish those thoughts.

Negotiate with yourself
Give yourself permission to simply go to the next water stop, or to the next milestone, or even just the end of the day. Keep repeating that strategy until you see the finish line. Just one more stop sign, I will make it to the next light post any short goal until you hit that finish line.


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